The extraordinary looking creatures were ushered out of the trailer quite smartly and into their new pen to explore their new home. Timid at first but came round quite quickly once they'd got their bearings. Hilarious to watch, they charged around the grassland, w

We switched on the newly erected electric fence and set about sorting out some pig nuts for them to make them feel right at home. After watching them for ages we went inside for a cup of tea feeling really good about the new arrivals. I suppose we really are a smallholding now ...and I have to say it feels great!

I am very proud of myself for not becoming emotionally attached to them and for not naming them ...a fatal mistake!!! Besides it would be impossible to give them individual names as you really can't tell them apart at all. I have stood and watched them for ages trying to pick out distinguishing features but there just aren't any, they are identical.
We are now thinking of buying a couple more sows so that we can breed them next year. It would be such a shame to get such a fantastic breed and then let them all go to slaughter without thinking of our Pork stocks for the future.
So there we are, four very happy piggies and four very happy piggy owners!