Friday, 12 June 2009

Clucking Good Eggs!!!

I decided some time ago that once I had built up a good surplus of eggs that I would try my hand at selling my wares on a little table at the entrance of the driveway. Last week I found a reasonable sized piece of timber and painted it cream. I needed something catchy and memorable on there as opposed to just 'Free Range Eggs For Sale'. It didn't take me long to come up with the right diction.

I sat at the kitchen table yesterday evening with a large glass of red wine and painted the wording black and red. I was very happy with the end result and hammered the stake of the sign in with a mallet the following morning. I dragged a table to the end of the driveway and busily went about making it look very country.

I decided to put just four boxes of eggs out to see how it went. I didn't want all of them to be pinched so kept a load back just in case. I needn't have as everyone was very honest and I had a clear table by 4:30pm, with the right amount of money to match! Feeling very pleased with myself, I re-stocked the table in time for the potential evening trade and went to feed the chickens their corn and collect the new eggs of the day.


Clucking Good Eggs said...

I'm sure it won't happen but just don't get mixed up with me! as I've been using CluckingGoodEggs for about a year and my registered domain names are and

Katy said...

Dear 'Clucking Good Eggs',
Thank you so much for your comment although,abrupt to say the least.
It would have been nice to hear what your thought of my blog rather than being told "don't get mixed up with me!"

My sign is a simple one at the end of my driveway selling my excess eggs to my local neighbours & village folk, nothing more. I have no plans to go in to big business so you need not worry yourself.

I shall wish you a happy day now and leave you to your business, a common courtesy you were unwilling to show me.

Good day to you

Indiana said...

Many apologies Katy! Didn't mean to sound abrupt or awful! Probably the way I write in 'texthand' these days. I'd just spend money registering my domain names and wanted to 'protect' my investment.

I wish you all success with what you are doing - really the same as what I'm doing - my eggs pay for the cost of my horses hay - my partner takes them to work in London each day and he sells them there - nothing more at the moment. Though I want to start breeding a few Aracaunas and Silkies next year.

Apologies again - and I wish you every success with your venture.


Katy said...

No problem Gail, I appreciate you coming back to me, that was nice, thanks.
