I have been on a waiting list with my chicken man in Windsor (The garden Hen - please see link on the right handside) for nearly 2.5 years now for 2 Buff Orpingtons but haven't been too successfull. The two that he had put aside for me last year turned out to be chaps and I really can't house another cockerell as I know it would put Basil's beak out of joint!!!
I stood in front of the pen with these beautiful Jersey cow coloured creamy birds in front of me and instantly knew the two I would take should I decide to take the plunge. 'Sod it' I thought, I never make enough spontaneous decisions, so promptly asked if the two could be boxed up and popped in the back of my car. I was so excited I nearly forgot the mixed corn!
I got back to the farm and decided to put them in one of the stables before introducing them to Basil and the girls. Once they were settled in there I sat down with my Chicken encylopedia to read how best the introduction should be made and when. A night time encounter seemed to be the go once the other birds had gone to roost and felt all sleepy in the dark, that way they would have a peaceful night and wake the next morning to find they're new roomies there when they opened their beady eyes! I followed that advise to the letter and promptly stuffed Minnie and Dora into the hen house under the cover of darkness.
By Friday there were still problems in the coop so I took some further advice on spraying them with watered down vinegar so they all smelt the same. So far, this has really worked and I have really noticed a difference in behaviour since. I just wish I had done it on the first night, it may have saved a world of trouble!!!
1 comment:
Awwww wow!! They are so beautiful. I can not wait to meet them.
Badger x
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